Sunday, 24 February 2013

All about Facelifts

Facelifts are all about meticulous detail. A surgeon shows his greatest finesse when performing a facelift.
As we age we lose elastin and collagen from the skin, fat pads and muscles, with the help of gravity, cause our faces to sag. Factors such as smoking, alcohol, stress, weight loss and genetics play a large part in how well we age as well as the destructive effects of the harsh Australian sun.

The aim of a facelift is to produce a youthful tone to the skin and make a more youthful jaw line, eye area and cheeks. This has to be done in such a way that no one has any idea that surgery has been involved. This is the key element to a beautiful facelift.

There are other effective options available to remove lines and wrinkles and to treat the early appearance of facial sagging, such as 
anti wrinkle injections or dermal fillers but once the skin of the neckline loosens and the jowls start to be obvious, the best treatment option is a facelift.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

What are P-ure implants?

P-ure implants are known as the 'furry Brazilians' because of the layer of netting that covers the surface of the implant. This netted coating gives the implant two special qualities which I call the “Velcro effect” and the “lattice effect”. The Velcro effect stops implants from sagging and the lattice effect stops them from going hard. Whilst I have enjoyed very high patient satisfaction rates and very low complication rates, P-ure implants have dramatically reduced the risk of complication even further.
I call P-ure implants the “why would you use anything else” implant due to the FDA confirming a 19 times lower complication rate with P-ure coated implants as compared to conventional smooth and textured implants.
Wondering why all surgeons don’t use the P-ure implants? Some surgeons find the implants difficult to use as once they are put in position they stick in place so you have to get the right position from the start. Therefore, these implants require greater surgical precision, acute clinical judgement and more careful planning. I am one of the Australian Pioneers of this new, more natural style of the P-ure implants and I have implanted well over 600 of these. I have developed a technique I named the ‘Rastogi Method’ which improves the accuracy of surgical placement. This technique has been employed by many other surgeons who now use these implants. 
Its important to find a surgeon that is highly skilled with these implants rather than choosing a surgeon and then convincing them to use them. 

Sunday, 10 February 2013

What is Vaser Liposculpture?

Vaser liposuction produces thermal tightening and improves the skins firmness. The major advance of Vaser Liposculpture uses extremely centralised ultrasonic energy and it the latest technology.
The instrument allows much more refined precision and selectively melts fat which permits me to produce a further refined sculpture. Vaser Lipsculpture's precision further affords me to accomplish better muscle definition by melting the fat that lies between the muscle.
There is also a reduction in recovery time due to minimal bruising from the gentle action of Vaser Liposuction. The technology of Vaser has improved the sculptures precision enormously, allowing firmer, tighter skin and a more gentle procedure.
As always, the quality of Liposuction is extremely dependent on the skill and artistic ability of the surgeon as well as their technical ability.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

The art of Liposculpture

The female form is characterised by its curves. The sway of the back, the shape of the breast, the curve of the waist, the round of the buttocks, the contour of the hips and line of the legs. The beauty of the woman's new figure, whether it is slender, athletic or voluptuous will be determined by the sculpting of her curves. The key to female sculpting is in flattening the tummy and sculpting a gentle curve to the hips and thighs to balance the proportions of the back and shoulders, while sculpting the waist to highlight her feminine contours. The intention is to accent both shapeliness and slenderness. Sculpting the outer and inner thighs while slimming the knees but accentuating the contour of the calve will create slender yet shapely legs and sculpting the ankle will elongate the appearance of the legs.
In contrast for male liposculpture, I need to highlight and enhance the shoulders broadness by sculpting in the line of the back and tightening the hips, abdomen and waist as much as possible. I believe male appeal is defined by muscular and angular definition, the abs and the V shape of the back.
Whether sculpting men or women the beauty comes with the skill of the hands and an eye for proportion.