Sunday, 30 June 2013

Implant Controversy

There is a lot of controversy with implants. 

What type do I use and why?

Scientific literature overwhelmingly supports the benefits of Polyurethane implants, as do I. 
Capsular Contracture and premature sag are the 2 most common complications associated with Breast Augmentation surgery and both of these complications are radically reduced with the use of Polyurethane implants.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Preparing the mind for surgery

As well as considering the body, it’s also important to look inside the mind. Patients need to be in the right head space for surgery and by that I mean analysing their motivations for the procedure. Ask yourself questions like, why do I want to do this?

It’s imperative to have all the facts when making a decision about surgery so I recommend my patients to do some background research so that they have a good understanding of their different options and are able to prepare thoroughly.

It’s a good idea for patients to attempt to gain a picture in their own mind of how they want to look, in terms of both shape and size so that they can communicate this image with their Doctor.

Finally, research the Doctor you are going to consult with, the Doctor is extremely vital to the outcome and each Doctor achieves different results aesthetically and has a different skill level.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

My preferred implant and shape

Each implant is chosen specifically to create the breast shape that the patient desires, so all shapes are equally preferred but depend heavily on past and pre existing breast shape and desired result.

I choose the implant appropriate, to create the shape the patient wants to achieve. 

Most commonly, I choose a tear drop implants because with the new P-URE (Polyurethane coated) implants it allows me to create the most natural shaped breasts without fear of rotation (often the problem with older tear drop implants).

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Preparing the body for surgery

    How does a woman prepare for this surgery physically?
The best way for a patient to prepare for surgery physically, is to start with their nutrition. Good nutrition is imperative to ensure good healing, ideally a diet full of good fruit, vegetables and high protein.

It’s also important to be careful to avoid Aspirin, Nurofen, Vitamin E capsules, St John’s Wort and Ginkgo Biloba before a procedure, as these medications can thin the blood.

Although excellent general fitness is important for health and well being, gym junkies are required to lay off any upper body work for two weeks prior to Breast Augmentation surgery so that pectoral muscles are as relaxed as possible.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

My Patient Philosophy

At my clinic our philosophy is to have a strong commitment towards patient education.

I place a large emphasis on all the benefits and of course the possible risks of any type of surgery to allow my patients to make an honest and sensible, yet well-informed decision process before they commit to any procedure.

This ensures the patient has the ultimate perspective on the expected outcome of their procedure.