Sunday, 25 May 2014

My face Lift post operative instructions - Step by step

DAY 5-10.

Any sutures that require removal are removed on day 14.

Bruising and swelling may differ from person to person but generally 5-10 days is the optimal period for this to subside. 

It is possible though that these symptoms may remain for up to 4 weeks.

Make–up may be worn after the sutures are removed, but only on the actual suture lines when these have completely healed. 

Chemicals may also be applied to the hair 4-5 weeks later.   

Sunday, 18 May 2014

My face Lift post operative instructions - Step by step

DAY 2.

Discontinue using ice packs.
Hirudoid ointment may be applied to bruised areas, do not apply to broken skin (ie. suture line).
This ointment may be obtained by the chemist.

DAY 3-4.
You will have a 4 day follow up in our rooms.
You may wash your hair with an antibacterial shampoo (phisohex). Ensure suture line is dry after showering.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

My face Lift post operative instructions - Step by step

DAY 1.

Patients usually experience only minimal discomfort following facelift surgery due to good pain management, and gentle surgical techniques.

You may apply ice packs to both sides of the face to help reduce swelling. Do not apply ice packs directly onto the skin, wrap them in a towel, tea towel etc.

You will have a pressure dressing or face form support in place for 24hrs and then a lighter support dressing for a further 24hrs after that.

Generally a semi-upright sleeping position (2-3 pillows) is preferable for at least the first week.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

The three Facelift areas

The upper face consists of forehead, eyebrow and eyelid area. Dropping brows and deep furrows in the forehead area can be corrected by an incision behind the hairline followed by elevation of the skin, which is then pulled tight and excess trimmed away. This tightens the forehead and widens the eye opening, muscles can be freed to release wrinkles and frown lines. Only a fine scar is left behind the hairline.

The mid face involves eyelids, nose and cheeks, down to the jaw line. The lax skin and muscle in this area produce deep wrinkles and folds running down from the nose and jowl formation. An incision extends from the temple downwards over the small cartilage bump in front of the ear to the earlobe. The skin is then freed and gently pulled back to give a youthful appearance.

An SMAS procedure can be performed which combines tightening of sagging facial muscles with the overlying skin which gives a more natural, longer lasting appearance. The scars are again hidden in the temple hair around the ear.

The lower face and neck ageing problems include formation of jowls (‘turkey neck’), double chins and fatty deposits in the neck area. The incision begins around the earlobe and extends behind the ear and in the hairline without being evident even with the hair pulled back. Liposuction to the neck and jowls is possible to remove the fatty deposits.