Monday, 28 December 2015

Happy Holidays

We re-open for the new year on Wednesday 6th January 2016

Monday, 14 December 2015

Five rules to remember about Breast Augmentation

1. Patients really need to do their research when choosing a surgeon. 
How attractive the breasts will look has a lot to do with the surgeon's skill.
2. When looking for a surgeon, check the 
Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery website for advice.
3. Look at before and after photos to determine the shape you want.
4. Have in mind the cup size you would like to be, but also be guided 
by the surgeon's knowledge.
5. The most often-used implants in Australia are cohesive silicon gel, 
they give the most natural look and feel. Saline implants can wrinkle 
and have a higher failure rate.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Take a look inside my theatre

I take safety in my theatre very seriously and maintain a strict sterile environment with this special surgical hood

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Who I am

Born the son of an artist and a doctor, Dr Anoop Rastogi inherited a creative passion from his mother and a love of medicine from his father.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Take a look inside my Newcastle Clinic

My Newcastle clinic is called Bella Face and is located at 
Eastpoint Centre, 5a/50 Glebe Rd, The Junction NSW 2291
Call for an appointment today (02) 4929 7911

Monday, 9 November 2015

The Furry Brazilian

Did you know there are breast implants available that reduce the risk of the commonest complication, and the commonest reason for further surgery, by at least TEN times compared with other implants?

Pure Implants - The furry Brazilian 

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Visit my website for more information on Breast Augmentation, Liposculpture, Facelifts, Mini Tummy Tucks, Injectable treatments and clinical skincare.

My site provides important clinical information about cosmetic surgery and before and after photos of my patients.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Doctor Patient Communication

Finding the right breast augmentation surgeon is vital to achieving the right results. 
The patient must have complete confidence in the surgeon's ability and be able to speak honestly about what her desires are.

I recommends the following points in helping you choose your surgeon:
  • Visit as many different surgeons as you need until you feel really confident.
  • Listen to the surgeon during the consultation and assess whether they have understood your desires and whether they discuss concepts such as individually tailored procedures, body balance and aesthetically pleasing outcomes rather than just bigger breasts.
  • Ask about the surgeons training in breast augmentation and how many breast augmentations they have performed.
  • Ask to see several before and after photographs. This is the best indication of the surgeon’s artistic ability.
  • Check the surgeon’s reputation and ask to speak to previous patients.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Need Finance?

Looking for finance for your cosmetic procedure? 

We are referring patients to a new finance company called MediPay. 
Patients can instantly check their eligibility online and then once they apply they get an answer in 60 mins or less.
Phone: 1800 810 950

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Frown lines making you look angry?

In my rooms you can come in for an obligation free consultation with one of my nursing staff to be assisted to see what works for you and what will make you look your best and feel your best, in the most natural way possible.
One of the areas that can be treated are the frown lines. These can make the happiest person look angry and unhappy but we have treatments that can turn that frown upside down.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Part 25 Q: What’s on the horizon?

The big things on the horizon are understanding the ways hormones interact with the skin and the tissues better and using the research to treat ageing, plus using stem cells to help us regenerate tissue and stop them from ageing. 
Prevention is also a big focus.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Part 24 Q: What checks should be made on a cosmetic surgeon before undergoing a procedure?

Most doctors in Australia are well qualified; it’s just the nature of medicine here in Australia. But there’s a very big difference in the level of talent among these qualified surgeons. Word of mouth is everything and that’s just not ‘my friend went to someone and they kind of had a good result.’
Do your research and find someone who consistently comes up with great reviews and someone who has a great reputation. That’s the person you need to see. Not just because the results will be good, but because it also means the complications rate is extremely low. They’re the two things you want to know – you want to know that you’re in really safe hands and that you’re going to get a beautiful, natural looking result.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Part 23 Q: How do you use cosmetic procedure to combat the following common ageing concerns?

Acne scarring
We treat most acne scarring with microdermabrasion, lasers or a peel. When scarring is too deep for these treatments to work, we fill the scarring with hyaluronic acid. If a patient has deep or big areas with scarring, they can respond really well to dermal fillers. Patients with finer acne scars can see results from our treatment in as little as one visit, while more sever scarring will need to be treated broadly a couple of times, then we target any problem areas after that. The way our acne treatments erase scars is by flattening the skin around it so the acne scarring disappears.
The best thing for acne is to treat it while you’re a teenager. And thanks to advances in technology, we can now do that. Teen acne can be treated with blue and green wave length lasers that can shrink the glands. This treatment should be complimented with really good skincare products. If all else fails, go onto Roaccutane. But that should be your last resort.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Part 22 Q: How do you use cosmetic procedure to combat the following common ageing concerns?

Lines caused from smoking
My first piece of advice is to stop smoking. But if the damage is already done, the most common treatment is to use hyaluronic acid dermal fillers as most lines caused from smoking are around the mouth.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Part 21 Q: How do you use cosmetic procedure to combat the following common ageing concerns?

Fine and dynamic lines
If they’re in areas suitable for injectables, and most areas are, then anti wrinkle injections are the primary treatment for fine and dynamic lines. Particularly in the upper face around the eyes and in the forehead where frown lines are. If it’s around the mouth then we’re more likely to use the finer dermal fillers because this area needs to move more naturally.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Part 20 Q: You’re not a fan of the “Y” Lift. What is it and what should we be weary of?

A Y Lift is the name given to a pattern of injections administered to the face to plump up the cheeks and remove the signs of ageing from the lower face. Does it work? Yes it does, but it’s a recipe book approach to anti wrinkle injections where you inject in a certain way to create a lift. It’s a technique that’s been developed that lots of doctors can use, which is good in that sense. 
The average injector can produce a decent result, but it doesn’t take into consideration your personal features or face shape. Instead, by skilfully adding anti wrinkle injections you can harmonise the face so that when people look at you they think ‘wow you look good but I just don’t know why.’

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Part 19 Q: What are some mistakes that you see other doctors making with injectables?

Overdoing it. Less is more. Once you’ve crossed that line and it no longer looks natural, it detracts from your beauty. That is probably the biggest thing, plus not understanding the very intricate parts of the anatomy means their patients don’t get the best out of their anti wrinkle injections. They might get rid of the frown lines in the middle of the forehead, but the brows look heavy as a result and so you’re making a trade off. 
With a better understanding of the anatomy you can have your cake and eat it too!

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Part 18 Q: Explain injectables. What are your options?

Sculptra is a little more permanent but not as precise so I prefer not to use this type of injectable. When I do something I want absolute precision and you don’t get that with Sculptra. There are more reliable injectables, such as fat replacement and hyaluronic acid.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Part 17 Q: Explain injectables. What are your options?

Fat replacement 

Fat replacement has gotten better and better over the years. Previously when you would take fat from one area and inject it somewhere else, you would often get a lot of swelling and bruising in the area it was being injected into. It still produces some swelling and is less precise that dermal fillers, but it’s good for significant augmentations in the cheeks and the lower face. People who have had significant weight loss or people who have exercised so much that their face is looking very empty often need fat replacement in their lower face.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Part 16 Q: Explain injectables. What are your options?

Hyaluronic acid
We use hyaluronic acid in our dermal fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a completely naturally occurring substance that is found in all of our cells and all of our organs. It’s part of the human body and your body manufacturs its own hyaluronic acid. When we use it in injectables it actually stimulates the production of your own hyaluronic acid as well as collagen. It’s very bio compatible, which is why we have very few problems when using dermal fillers. Hyaluronic acid comes in two different properties, stiff and soft, and we use each one differently depending on what area we’re injecting them into. A stiffer, thicker hyaluronic acid is used during a chin augmentation or a non-surgical rhinoplasty. If we’re treating finer lines or soft tissue like the lips, or getting rid of the dark circles under eyes, we use a softer product of hyaluronic acid.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Part 13 Q: You are very against the frozen forehead look that anti wrinkle injections can produce. What should women be careful of when undergoing a treatment?

Lots of doctors and non-doctors have learnt how to inject but good anti wrinkle injections are an artistic skill. 
If someone is following a recipe formula for injecting then everybody will look the same and faces look flat. 
The best doctors can read individual faces well and know where to best highlight your features. You want to reduce the signs of ageing but keep the character of the face. 

That’s the difference between good and bad work.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Part 12 Q: But don't anti wrinkle injections tighten muscles, rather than loosen them?

No, that’s a common misconception. Anti wrinkle injections don't actually tighten the muscles, it does the opposite. There’s a yin and a yang.
For everything that pulls muscles one way, there’s another muscle pulling it the other way. 
Gravity pulls everything down so we rebalance the muscles and give the muscles that lift an advantage to the muscles that pull down. So we’re actually lifting rather than tightening.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Part 11 Q: What is the difference between anti wrinkle injections and dermal fillers?

Anti wrinkle injections relaxes muscles and will stop the muscle that’s causing the wrinkles from contracting. Once we apply anti wrinkle injections, the wrinkles essentially fall out.
A dermal filler actually plumps out the line with hyaluronic acid. It’s perfect for areas where there’s plenty of movement, such as around the mouth.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Part 10 Q: Which celebrities are examples of considered subtle cosmetic procedure?

My favourite example is Michelle Pfeiffer. If you look at her back when she did Grease 2, she had circles under her eyes and didn’t look as good then as she does now. But everything that she’s had done, she’s done inconspicuously and gently, and she looks elegant and lovely.
Jennifer Aniston is another great example, she always looks natural and Angelina Jolie, her skin always looks good, her cheeks are always nicely formed and she never looks like she’s overdone.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Part 9 Q: What are four skincare products that every women needs in her routine?

Sunscreen in Australia is number one, both for prevent ageing and preventing skin cancers. 
The second is a really good moisturiser to maintain the skin’s barrier against the environment. 
The third essential product is one that’s going to prevent free radical damage in the skin, which an antioxidant-rich product will do. 
The fourth thing you need is a skincare product that’s going to allow the skin to repair well plus stimulate collagen production and promote blood flow.

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Part 8 Q: When it comes to skincare products, what do your recommend and which ingredients give the best results?

The skincare products that you’ll get from your cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist will work because they’ve been clinically proven to work.
In terms of preventing the skin from ageing, the key ingredients to look for are antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E, and a really good sunscreen. Then, to make the skin look youthful you need to remove fine lines and wrinkles plus reverse the signs of sun damage. To reverse the signs of sun damage and allow supple new skin to come to the surface you need an exfoliant; vitamin A and C derivatives are your go-to ingredients.
Another tell-tale sign of aged skin is a dull and flat appearance. To make the skin look more translucent and glowing you need niacinamide, which is concentrated vitamin B3. 
Niacinamide helps get rid of pigmentation by drawing the pigmentation out of the skin and improves the translucency of the skin for a more radiant appearance. Finally, you need a really good moisturiser. Aged skin looks dull and dry so you need a good cream that can penetrate deeply.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Part 7 Q: What are your thoughts on fruit’s high sugar content?

Not all fruit will make you gain weight because of its sugar content. The Glycemic Index will guide you in finding the best fruits to eat, and which ones you should avoid. The Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of how quickly the sugar in the food is absorbed into the blood stream. The lower the GI value, the slower the sugar takes to be pumped into the bloodstream.
If you eat fruits like watermelon, which has a very high GI value, it gives you a sugar spike that can lead to weight gain. Peaches and cherries are an example of a low GI. Pears and apples are also relatively low. A GI of 100 is really high, while 0 is the lowest. Peaches have a GI value of about 38 and apples are about 43.
If it’s below 55 it’s really good. Moderate your intake of fruits like watermelon and pineapple, but eat plenty of low GI fruits like peaches, apricots, apples and pears.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Part 6 Q: What kinds of foods should we be eating to help combat the process from the inside out?

 Your diet should include fruits that are high in antioxidants. Goji berries are very high in antioxidants, and so is star fruit. But the food with the highest antioxidant value of any food that we know of is actually the Kakadu plum, although it’s unfortunately not readily available.
Like your mum always said, you need to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables as they not only contain antioxidants but a whole lot of other vitamins and minerals that are all important for the little micro-metabolisms that occur in the skin and throughout the body to keep it youthful. It’s best to eat them when they’re fresh and whole.
Once they start being processed or overcooked, they lose their nutritional value. Vegetables that have been picked too early and ripen during transport are not nearly as good as ones that are grown and taken straight to the farmers markets. When cooking your vegetables, it’s best to steam or blanch them. The minerals don’t matter as much as they don’t get lost during the cooking process. Fruit is great because they’re not only rich in both vitamins and minerals that we need for our metabolic processes but they are generally eaten raw.
You also need protein to keep repairing your collagen and other body tissues, because even if your skin is looking good the muscle beneath the skin will start to deflate and your face will sag and appear aged. You also need good fats to keep your body producing the hormones that nourish the skin and send the signals to the rest of your body to repair damage.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Part 5 Q: How big a role does food play in fighting ageing?

Food plays a huge role for a whole number of reasons. 
The food we eat contains the basic building blocks that make the hormones that nourish our skin. 
The estrogen that a woman needs to keep her skin looking youthful comes from the good fats in the food that she eats.
Antioxidants are also vital. The skin ages because of free radical damage from environmental pollutants and ultra violet radiation from the sun. 
Foods that contains antioxidants mop up those free radicals so they can’t damage the skin.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Part 4 Q: What are your top three tips for helping slow down the ageing process?

Cosmeceutical skincare: I don’t mean over-the-counter skincare products, I mean the proper stuff you get from a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist that boosts collagen, stimulates the skin, guards against damage and deeply moisturises the skin.
Healthy lifestyle: Most importantly sleep and sun protection. If you smoke and drink too much, of course that’s also going to speed up the ageing process.

Anti wrinkle injections: They are safe and in the right hands, and will help reverse the signs of ageing like nothing else.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Part 3 Q: What are the best ways to combat the early signs of ageing?

Your lifestyle is very important. 
Sleep without a doubt plays a big part in the signs of early ageing. 
The difference between a good night’s sleep and a late night out is not something you can easily hide on your face. 
We say ‘get eight hours sleep a night’ because it’s convenient in the modern society but eight hours sleep is the minimum requirement for youthfulness.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Part 2 Q: At what age do women really start to experience the ageing process?

The turning point for ageing in women is around your early to mid thirties. 
This is when the collagen and elastin content in the skin starts accelerated depletion. Fine lines and wrinkles that were temporary start to become permanent.
Change in the bone structure tends to happen around the mid to late forties. 
As well as changes in the bone structure, women lose a little bit of facial fat. The combination of the loss of fat and the reabsorption of the bone start to make the face sag and that youthful plumpness fades.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Anti-Ageing Special - The Joye

March 20th, 2015
Anti-Ageing Special - Part 1

I’ve received lots of emails lately about ageing, skin and ways to combat the march of time.
More and more, the questions have been turning to cosmetic procedures – Anti wrinkle injections, fillers and what they actually do.
For answers, I turned to my beauty editor friends for advice on which cosmetic surgeon was the best.
I wanted safe, balanced and super-experienced.
Enter Dr Anoop Rastogi who specialises in subtly with a philosophy that ageing doesn’t need to be stopped but it can be enhanced.
Here, he talks about super foods, the importance of sleep and the latest innovations in non-invasive cosmetic procedures.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Review us on Google

We would really appreciate it if you left a review of your experience with us, so that others can benefit from what you've got to say.


If you don’t have a Google profile, it’s really easy to create one when you click on the link:
1) click "Sign Up” in the top right corner
2) enter your email address and choose a password
3) enter your birthday
4) type in the captcha code
5) leave us a review

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Patient review - At her post operative visit

After a Breast Augmentation with Dr Rastogi this was one patient's review of her experience 

‘No pain, slight tightness but the medication/pain relief really helped. 
I went shopping the weekend following the op and even walked to the beach.  
The whole experience was 10/10, the staff were great and made me feel at home from the first contact I had with them. 
I am from North West Australia and I flew 7.5hrs to Sydney for this surgery and I would do it again!’

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Bella Face Cosmetic Medicine


Sunday, 8 March 2015

Do you need wrinkle treatment?

Ever looked in the mirror and see an older person looking back? Someone who looks more tired than you feel? Those lines seem deeper than you remember last week?
Do you look at a photo of yourself and wonder why that frown line is looking so deep? Do you want to feel fresher, look more youthful and get back that glow?
At Dr Rastogi's clinic we have a full range of wrinkle treatments and filler to give you back that smoothness you've lost or always wanted but never had?
Injectable treatments are available with Dr Rastogi in our Sydney Clinic or our highly skilled Nurse injectors that are carefully overseen by Dr Rastogi at both our Newcastle Clinic, Bella Face and our Sydney Clinic in Double Bay.
Feel free to come in for an obligation free consultation with one of our Nurses to see how we can assist you to look your best and most importantly, feel your best, with the most natural looking outcome.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Another Before & After Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

            Here is a Before and After photo of another one of my patients who had an Anti-Wrinkle Treatment 

Monday, 16 February 2015

Before & After Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Here is a Before and After photo of my patient who had an Anti-Wrinkle Treatment with me

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Part 6 of my Patient Endorsement

It's now been 10 days post op. From the minute I woke up I loved my new chest. They are so natural looking . They look and feel like they always should have been there. I still fit in a size 8 so half my wardrobe is still wearable, it just looks better, I don't feel fat as my body shape is so in proportion and most importantly I don't feel like I'm going to go face down, down the stairs!
I haven't started wearing a bra yet or exercising, that'll come in a few weeks but I already know there won't be any issues. They're perfect, plain and simple.

So for the philosophy of if you don't like something then make a change I think it holds great value. Self esteem and confidence can be improved by changing the way you look. It's not vanity, it's the ability to match how you feel on the inside to your outside. It's already made an impact for me.

Oh and I also go by the phrase 'fake it till you make it'. Seems quite fitting now!

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Part 5 of my Patient Endorsement

I hadn't really thought about the pain, or if there'd be swelling or bruising. Or abut how I'd be limited in doing things like dressing in certain clothes or doing housework. Of course I was told all this beforehand but never really thought much about it.

I took pain medication over the weekend, but only at night to help me sleep. I'm a restless sleeper and didn't want to be rolling around. I was a bit sore, not the girls, but my ribs. I was warned I'd have fluid on my belly for awhile and that's what made my ribs hurt. That was the most unpleasant part of the whole experience, having extra fluid on your stomach, not a feeling I was used to. Also feeling it swish around as you walk. Urgh makes me shudder even now! I don't feel like I've had surgery as there was no bruising and only small amounts of pain and discomfort. I feel like I've been doing heaps of push ups, that's it. I'm a bit tender to the touch as the feeling comes back but in general I'm surprised how minimal the post surgery down time is. I feel like I could go to the gym now and it's only that I'm older and wiser that I haven't (I'm only 29 but even 5 years ago I would have thought I was invincible and worked out against doctors orders - and then of course have required more surgery to fix the problems I would likely have caused). 

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Part 4 of my Patient Endorsement

The whole experience was amazing. 

From the first consultation, to the hospital whose staff were so friendly and caring. 
Dr Rastogi held my hand till I fell asleep which was very comforting. 
I went in for surgery on a Friday and went back to work on Monday. 

One thing I loved about Dr Rastogi's technique was that it is a one day off work procedure (if you're an office worker). 
Work was ridiculously crazy at the time, so to even have one day off was difficult (I called in sick and actually worked from home that afternoon when I left the hospital). 

Every other person I know or have heard of has required two weeks off and had to have drainage or support bras. With Dr Rastogi you don't need any of that.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Part 3 of my Patient Endorsement

Eventually I decided to visit a surgeon to get some more facts and see how I'd feel about the whole thing once I'd spoken to someone. 
I went to Dr Rastogi on a recommendation of a friend of a friend who had seen him the previous year. Walking in I was still unconvinced about going through with surgery, this was simply a fact finding mission. 
Instantly Dr Rastogi made me feel safe, secure and at ease whilst discussing my concerns and the effects on my body. 
He walked me through the entire procedure and tested various implants to find a size and style that would suit my body for a natural look.

Honestly, I left that appointment still not convinced. I mean surgery, really! How silly! Within a week though I had decided to go for it and within a month I had my new pair of boobs. 

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Part 2 of my Patient Endorsement

Getting surgery was something I had thought about often but I didn't feel that being flat chested was a big enough deal to go through with surgery. I mean look at Kate Hudson, I had more than her and she looks amazing being a surfboard! 
I was worried about how much my body shape would change. When I wore a really good push up bra sometimes I'd feel fat and top heavy. Would I feel like that all the time, if I went through with surgery? Also I didn't want to look like I had two balloons stuck to my chest and be really out of proportion. Besides the body issues I also worried about not being able to lie on my stomach and get massages or play sport. Of course the logic that there are many girls with very large breasts who go to the gym or play sport didn't make me feel better because what if it was a hindrance to me. 
The other stupid thing that I used to say in jest but actually went through my mind was how one day, when walking down the stairs from the last row at the MCG I commented that you wouldn't want to be top heavy as the steps are so steep you could easily fall forward. 
What if that happened for real! Stupid things to worry about but they were concerns all the same.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Part 1 of my Patient Endorsement

I've always been an advocate for the idea that if you're not happy in life then do something to change it. The same, I feel applies to your body. In this day and age you can change whatever you want so why not!

I've always had small boobs, I'm slim, always have been and have a 'ghetto booty' which was my pride and joy as my only curves. Most of the time I was ok with it. I'd wish for bigger boobs every now and again so that I could have better shape in clothes or feel more confidant naked, but still it wasn't that big of a deal. Other times I'd end up in tears I'd be so unhappy with my body.

After seeing me really upset one day my husband did some research into surgeons. He wrote me a note that said 'even though i think you're perfect and wouldn't change a thing, if having bigger boobs will make you happier then lets make it happen.' Two years later I decided to look into it.