Sunday 11 January 2015

Part 2 of my Patient Endorsement

Getting surgery was something I had thought about often but I didn't feel that being flat chested was a big enough deal to go through with surgery. I mean look at Kate Hudson, I had more than her and she looks amazing being a surfboard! 
I was worried about how much my body shape would change. When I wore a really good push up bra sometimes I'd feel fat and top heavy. Would I feel like that all the time, if I went through with surgery? Also I didn't want to look like I had two balloons stuck to my chest and be really out of proportion. Besides the body issues I also worried about not being able to lie on my stomach and get massages or play sport. Of course the logic that there are many girls with very large breasts who go to the gym or play sport didn't make me feel better because what if it was a hindrance to me. 
The other stupid thing that I used to say in jest but actually went through my mind was how one day, when walking down the stairs from the last row at the MCG I commented that you wouldn't want to be top heavy as the steps are so steep you could easily fall forward. 
What if that happened for real! Stupid things to worry about but they were concerns all the same.

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